Mastodon Countr – Josh Hrach

iOS today view widgets and margins

One of the toughest things I’ve had to deal with while working on an app has been the today view widget. The widget I’ve been working on is very simple: 2 buttons and a label. Yet, there were a couple of issues I kept running into.

  1. When loading the widget, my buttons will appear and layout. With a button tap, the two buttons change size to what is constrained in the Storyboard. This only happens when the widget is loaded and with the first tap. Subsequent taps don’t affect it again.
  2. The widget, as much as I tried, would not appear as it did in the storyboard. Things weren’t centered properly.

The first item I still haven’t solved. The issue that ended up solving the second item is what I thought was affecting the button layout. Essentially, here is what I had: left button is x points from the left edge of the view, is y points from the right button, and has a width equal to the right button. The right button is the same except it has a constraint to the right edge of the view instead of the left. I had hoped that this would lead to a dynamic button size that would change on various devices and widths. Unfortunately, the small issue with the resizing buttons kept bothering me. If someone can figure this out, let me know.

The second issue was actually fairly easy to figure out. If you look at any of your current widgets, you probably notice two different layouts: ones that are full width, and ones that start indented.

I thought that Apple wanted all widgets indented, but there are even some of Apple’s own widgets that are full width. While it wouldn’t solve the first issue I was having (and gave up on), it did impact why the storyboard, set to the width of the device, wasn’t looking like what my widget was showing.

To solve this, make use of the NCWidgetProviding protocol. There is a method called widgetMarginInsetsForProposedMarginInsets  that you can use to either accept the default margin or set it to a custom value.

- (UIEdgeInsets)widgetMarginInsetsForProposedMarginInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)defaultMarginInsets
    return UIEdgeInsetsZero;

By removing the insets, I suddenly had a widget that not only was centered but also was taking up the space in the view as it was in the Storyboard.

If you want to see what I was working on, check out Countr on the App Store.

Countr, my first app on the App Store

It’s been many months since I last talked about app development. I’m a bit disappointed with myself, personally, and how much I haven’t shared. It’s been a fun experience as I’ve dived into Objective-C, Xcode, and learning how to develop things on my own. Since then, iOS 8 was previewed (and since launched), Swift was introduced as a new programming language, and more APIs and development tool updates have happened across the Apple ecosystem.

Well, I’ll be writing more thoughts about the development process soon. But first, I wanted to talk about the first app I’ve developed through to launch. That is Countr, a simple app to quickly take a count. I had wanted an app to help me take a count when I’m at certain meetings or assemblies. I feel this app does this excellently.

While the app was released in late August, I only just now announced it. Moving to Arizona took up a lot of time. Go figure.

Countr not only helped me learn the development process, but I got a nice overview of the app release process. I’m very grateful for the update to iTunesConnect, which has made it a much more attractive experience when checking on the status of my app.

In upcoming posts, I’ll talk about developing Countr, developing for iOS in general, and some other things that I thought were pretty cool.

I want to thank the few friends that helped beta test Countr before release. I got a lot of good feedback and, while it is a simple app, the others that I’m working on are not as simple. I made sure to use the same process with Countr that I would expect with a larger, complex application. It’s been insightful, and I’m ready to release more apps later this year.

Countr is available for free on the App Store.